Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: Steering Lock System

REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL UN-LOCK WARNING SWITCH ASSEMBLY (w/o Smart Key System) (a) Engage the 2 claws to install the un-lock warning switch assembly to the upper steering column bracket a ...

PRECAUTION 1. PRECAUTIONS WHEN CHECKING FOR DTCS (a) When the cable is disconnected from the negative (-) battery terminal, the DTCs stored in the steering lock ECU (steering lock actuator or UPR ...

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REMOVAL CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT NOTICE: When replacing the forward recognition camera, replace it with a new one. Do not touch the camera lens or the front windshield glass in front of the camera. If the forward recognition camera has been struck or dropped, replace it ...

INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. INSPECT CYLINDER BLOCK FOR WARPAGE (a) Using a precision straightedge and feeler gauge, measure the warpage of the contact surface of the cylinder head gasket. Standard warpage: 0 to 0.05 mm (0 to 0.00197 in.) Maximum warpage: 0.07 mm (0.00276 ...

TC and CG Terminal Circuit
DESCRIPTION DTC output mode is set by connecting terminals TC and CG of the DLC3. The DTCs are displayed by blinking the SRS warning light. HINT: Make sure that DTCs which relate to the CAN communication system are not output. If any of these DTCs are output, check the CAN communicat ...

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