Clearance Warning Buzzer Circuit
This circuit consists of the No. 1 clearance warning buzzer and clearance warning
ECU assembly. An ECU-excited type buzzer is used. The battery voltage supplied through
the buzzer is grounded inside the clearance warning ECU assembly using a pulsed
digital pattern, producing sound ...
When replacing the millimeter wave radar sensor assembly, always replace
it with a new one. If a millimeter wave radar sensor assembly which was
installed to another vehicle is used, the information stored in it will
not match the information from the vehicle. A ...
Open in Bus 2 Main Bus Line
There may be an open circuit in one of the CAN main bus lines and/or a central
gateway ECU (network gateway ECU) branch lines when the resistance between terminals
18 (CA4H) and 17 (CA4L) of the central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU) is 70 Ω
or higher.
Detection It ...