Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: Mechanical System Tests




This test is to check the overall performance of the engine and transmission.


  • This test should be done on a paved surface (a surface that is not slippery).
  • To ensure safety, perform this test in an open and level area that provides good traction.
  • The stall speed test should always be performed with at least 2 people. One person should observe the condition of the wheels and wheel chocks while the other is performing the test.


  • Do not perform the stall speed test for more than 5 seconds.
  • When performing the stall speed test more than once, make sure to wait 15 seconds or more between tests.

(a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.

(b) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(c) Turn the Techstream on.

(d) Enter the following menus: Powertrain / Transmission / Data List.

(e) Run the vehicle until the transmission fluid temperature is between 50 and 80°C (122 and 176°F).

(f) Allow the engine to idle with the air conditioning off.

(g) Chock all 4 wheels.

(h) Set the parking brake and keep the brake pedal depressed firmly with your left foot.

(i) Move the shift lever to D.

(j) Depress the accelerator pedal as much as possible with your right foot.

(k) Read the engine speed (stall speed) and release the accelerator pedal immediately.

Standard value:

Stall Speed

2220 rpm

+ 200 rpm

- 200 rpm


Test Result

Possible Cause

Stall speed is lower than standard value

  • Engine power output may be insufficient
  • Stator one-way clutch is not operating properly
  • Torque converter assembly is faulty (stall speed is less than standard value by 600 rpm or more)

Stall speed is higher than standard value

  • Line pressure is too low
  • No. 1 clutch (C1) is slipping
  • No. 3 one-way clutch (F3) is not operating properly
  • Improper fluid level



When the shift lever is moved while the engine is idling, there will be a certain time lapse or lag before the shock can be felt. This is used for checking the condition of the clutch, and brake.

(a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.

(b) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(c) Turn the Techstream on.

(d) Enter the following menus: Powertrain / Transmission / Data List.

(e) Run the vehicle until the transmission fluid temperature is between 50 and 80°C (122 and 176°F).

(f) Allow the engine to idle with the air conditioning off.

(g) Set the parking brake and keep the brake pedal depressed firmly.

(h) Check the D position time lag.

(1) Move the shift lever to N and wait for 1 minute.

(2) Move the shift lever to D and measure the time until the shock is felt.

(3) Repeat the 2 steps above 3 times, and calculate the average time of the 3 tests.

(i) Check the R position time lag.

(1) Move the shift lever to N and wait for 1 minute.

(2) Move the shift lever to R and measure the time until the shock is felt.

(3) Repeat the 2 steps above 3 times, and calculate the average time of the 3 tests.

Standard value:

D position time lag is less than 1.2 seconds

R position time lag is less than 1.5 seconds


Test Result

Possible Cause

D position time lag exceeds standard value

  • Line pressure is too low
  • No. 1 clutch (C1) is worn
  • No. 3 one-way clutch (F3) is not operating properly

R position time lag exceeds standard value

  • Line pressure is too low
  • No. 2 brake (B2) is worn
  • No. 3 brake (B3) is worn
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