Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: Exhaust Manifold

2gr-fks Exhaust


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INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL TRANSFER POSITION SWITCH (a) Attach the 2 claws to install the transfer position switch. 2. INSTALL AIR CONDITIONING CONTROL ASSEMBLY (for Automatic Air Conditioning System) (See page ) 3. INSTALL INTEGRATION PANEL SUB-ASSEMBLY (for Manual Cooler System) ...

REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL STARTER ARMATURE ASSEMBLY (a) Install the starter armature to the starter yoke. 2. INSTALL STARTER BRUSH HOLDER ASSEMBLY (a) Install the starter brush holder assembly. (b) Connect the 4 brushes to the starter brush holder assembly. (1) Using a scre ...

On-vehicle Inspection
ON-VEHICLE INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. INSPECT GARAGE DOOR OPENER (a) Press each switch and check that the red LED turns on. If one or more of the switches does not turn on the LED, confirm normal operation of the fuse and wire harness. If the fuse and wire harness are malfunctioni ...

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