Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: Components





Cylinder Head

PRECAUTION HINT: Any digits beyond the 0.01 mm (1/1000 in.) place for standard, minimum and maximum values should be used as a reference only. When both standard and maximum or minim ...

Other materials:

Speaker Output Short (B15C3)
DESCRIPTION This DTC is stored when a malfunction occurs in the speakers. DTC No. DTC Detection Condition Trouble Area B15C3 A short is detected in the speaker output circuit. Harness or connector Speaker ...

INSTALLATION CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT CAUTION: Some of these service operations affect the SRS airbag system. Read the precautionary notices concerning the SRS airbag system before servicing (See page ). PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL SIDE AIRBAG SENSOR ASSEMBLY (a) Confirm that the ignition switch i ...

Engine Immobiliser System Malfunction (B2799,B279986)
DESCRIPTION This DTC is stored when one of the following occurs: 1) the ECM detects errors in its own communication with the transponder key ECU assembly; 2) the ECM detects errors in the communication lines; or 3) the ECU communication ID between the transponder key ECU assembly and ECM is d ...

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