Toyota Tacoma manuals

Toyota Tacoma (2015-2018) Service Manual: Precaution



  • Any digits beyond the 0.01 mm (1/1000 in.) place for standard, minimum and maximum values should be used as a reference only.
  • When both standard and maximum or minimum values are listed for an inspection, use the standard value as a reference only and base any judgments on the maximum and minimum values.

DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 1. INSPECT CONNECTING ROD THRUST CLEARANCE (a) Using a dial indicator, measure the thrust clearance while moving the connecting rod back and forth. Standard ...

Other materials:

Problem Symptoms Table
PROBLEM SYMPTOMS TABLE If a normal code is displayed during the DTC check but the problem still occurs, check the circuits for each problem symptom in the order given in the table below and proceed to the relevant troubleshooting page. NOTICE: When replacing the skid control ECU (master cylin ...

Voice Recognition Microphone Disconnected (B1579)
DESCRIPTION The radio and display receiver assembly and telephone microphone assembly are connected to each other using the microphone connection detection signal lines. This DTC is stored when a microphone connection detection signal line is disconnected. DTC Code DTC Det ...

Diagnosis System
DIAGNOSIS SYSTEM 1. DESCRIPTION (a) When troubleshooting OBD II (On-Board Diagnostics) vehicles, an OBD II scan tool (complying with SAE J1978) must be connected to the DLC3 (Data Link Connector 3) of the vehicle. Various data in the vehicle ECM (Engine Control Module) can be then read. (b) ...

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